
7. 2012 Non-Resolutions

I have had trouble coming up with my 2012 New Years Resolutions. I am not very good at following lists of "dont's" and generally do not like feeling restricted, even if it is self-imposed. In addition, I don't feel an overwhelming need to change how I live because I lead a healthy and happy life. Once I read the list of Mr. Blasberg's Non-Resolutions, I realized that that is what I need to make. A list of things that I will continue to not do during 2012. Now, I feel like I am making a promise to myself to continue living the good life I lived in 2011. 

I've never lived in excess. I do not drink myself to oblivion. I do not chain smoke or experiment with drugs. I do not shop until I drop. I do not exercise until I pass out. I do not hoard large bags of chips then devour them all in one sitting. Okay, yes, I have eaten one too many cookies on a couple of occasions, but who hasn't?! 

I've never stripped in public. When I was younger, I thought that it would be funny to get arrested for indecent exposure. Maybe it was because I was 13 years old, 100 lbs, and unaware of what kind of girls actually disrobe in front of strangers for fun. Now that I have grownup a few years, I have decided to leave the unbecoming skin baring to Girls Gone Wild. After all, I am not a stripper. One day I hope to have a successful career and respectable family, so I think that I better keep my clothes on.

I've never gotten fired from a job. Despite some instances where I think that I should have been fired (like when I refused to sweep a bagel store), I have never been fired. Then again, the majority of my working experience has been at my mom's art camp. 

I've never destroyed my hair. I don't dye it because my dad says it's tacky for a young girl and too expensive. Blow drying takes too long and I'm afraid that my hair will become heat damaged and brittle. I don't like straightening my hair because it reminds me of every middle America preteen. 

I've never been bored. My mom used to always tell my sister and I that, "Only boring people get bored." I hated her for saying it at the time, but now I love it because it has turned me into a self-sufficient person capable of finding something to keep me occupied at any place or time. To combat boredom during the SAT's, I planned my wedding from cocktail hour to goodbye brunch. At school, I am involved in multiple extracurricular activities to keep myself busy. The only downside of my ability to keep busy is that I can't stand people who are constantly complaining of boredom!

I've never worn something just because it is "in." I hated gauchos and pink pleather pants in elementary school. I don't like ankle boots, Chan Luu wrap bracelets, or heavy sequin tops. I will forever refuse Harlem pants, colorful camo, and bubble skirts. Just because everyone likes a trend and looks good wearing it doesn't mean I have to, too. 

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